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Katherine, in this book a Rock Star becomes a Nun! We empathized with "Elle" and rooted for "Lillith".   She surprised us, and made us laugh.  My books are experiences.  I'm hoping that readers will enjoy this ride.


Are you a visionary?  Yes!  As a kid, I can remember wishing I were clairvoyant, thinking it would be a Superpower.  Interestingly, we're all intuitive; some have gifts beyond the norm, and have chosen to acknowledge them. 

There are many messages and agendas in this "experience".  The Abess was my favorite character.  Lilith wanted what most of us do: to be  loved.  Besides that, my intent was to show the Abess's presence, beyond the (physical).  Eleanor had a devine experience.  She didn't realize it at the time because she was focused on the physical realm: her career and possessions. Her entire experience (at the convent), was completely spiritual. It was a discerning awakening.

I'd thought "Eleanor has died and gone to Heaven" and the Abess is God!  (Laughs) She most certainly wasn't ready for Heaven.  The Abess was an angel, so-to-speak.

I got that with the design of the telephone, etc.  That was pretty cool how you'd written that. After I'd realized what happened, I read it again. The signs were all there.  Why wait until you're at the end of your life to start "feeling".    Death is inevitable;to enjoy life is to focus on feeling the good around you.

Were you thinking of the "New Thought Philosophy" while writing this book?  No; but I do believe that we're spiritual beings, having a human experience, which is why we're creatures of habit.  We subscribe to what appeals to human beings.  There is an intrinsic, parallel, spiritual reality, an internal being and then there is the external.  Sometimes we go thru life missing our messages because we're so focused on what we see.

............And when the spiritual and physical worlds collide...  For me, the Spiritual and physical collided when Eleanor found that earring.


Are you hoping to trigger something in those who consider themselves Spiritually void ?  I would hope so.  If nothing else, they'll  come to the realization that there is a higher power, or something bigger and greater than we are.  There is proof all around us.

If you had to cast someone to play Lilith "The Flawless Rose" on the big screen, who would it be?  Amy Schumer. I love her.  She could bring everything to the table, that this story presents: humor, sadness, strength, adventure. 

Who would be her leading man?  I haven't thought about that. Jack Nicholson, as Slay,maybe. Wait---has he retired? Ok, then maybe during his younger years.


Have you done anything in your past that you'd be too ashamed to confess, even if your soul depended on it?  No! Everybody knows where my skeletons are buried.

Did you do any extravagant research, like, tour with a Band? There was nothing extravagant.; just what you'd expect, like, visiting convents, interviewing sisters. I have a friend who was a bassist in a Rock band.  He was my muse.  For me, the research is the icing on the cake. 


Knowing what you've learned about the cloistered life, would you make a good Nun?   I could be an asset to the sisterhood, but I don't think they'd want me.  Suffice it to say , I'd be wearing Agent Provocateur under my garb.

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